Our schedules

Outer wall

Wall thickness: 32 cm

U = 0.147 W/m²K

# Building material Dimension (mm) Value Spindle spacing (mm)
1 Vacuum system ≥ 5
2 Expanded polystyrene foam; or plastisable rock wool; or wood wool 50 – 200 λ ≤ 0,04
3 Plasterboard 15 A2-s1;do
4 Structural timber frame ≥ 60 / 160 C24 ≤ 625
5 Mineral wool (35 kg/m3); or blown cellulose insulation (60 kg/m3) 160 λ ≤ 0,04
6 Vapour barrier or vapour control film 0,2 sd ≥ 20
7 Plasterboard 15 A2-s1;do
8 Plasterboard (optional) 15


The table below shows the wall thicknesses and thermal conductivity coefficients of the most popular traditional building materials with and without façade insulation. The standard ply system that forms the main wall of Weinmann houses offers unique heat transfer values and is extremely space-saving compared to conventional building materials. Thanks to our technology, our buildings can achieve the same heat retention value with up to half the conventional wall thickness. This not only reduces material costs during construction, but also increases the useful floor area.

Wall construction Wall thickness (cm) Thermal transmittance (W/m²K)
without insulation EPS (12 cm)
Weinmann standard main wall 19 0,27 0,15
Reinforced concrete 15 3,8 0,3
Km. solid bricks 25 1,95 0,29
B30 brick 30 1,44 0,28
Porotherm 38 basement bricks 38 0,64 0,22
Porotherm 30 N+F 30 0,58 0,21
Porotherm 38 N+F 38 0,5 0,2
Porotherm 44 N+F 44 0,39 0,18
Porotherm 30 HS 30 0,52 0,2
Porotherm 38 HS 38 0,43 0,19
Porotherm 44 HS 44 0,35 0,17
Ytong 30 P2-0,5300,40,18 30 0,4 0,18
Ytong 37,5 P2-0,5 37,5 0,33 0,17