Our process

The Weinmann Haus Kft. manufactures and builds energy-efficient, fast-construction, environmentally friendly residential buildings of high quality for private and public clients. The entire process is managed by our colleagues according to the customer’s requirements, with a guaranteed deadline and a guaranteed price at the time of signing the contract. You can count on the expertise of our staff throughout the entire process!

1. Sales: outline plan, quotation, site visit, pre-contract

Weinman Haus Ltd. manufactures turnkey, exterior-finished or prefabricated residential houses according to individual requirements using automated prefabricated house technology, which is unique in the domestic market. As a first step in the construction process, our client first discusses their ideas with our sales colleague, taking into account the characteristics of the land they own. A sketch plan is drawn up, taking into account the client’s ideas, the site regulations, the envisaged mass of the building, the structural levels, the layout and number of rooms. After the acceptance of our quotation by the customer, based on the approved outline plan, the order documentation is sent to Weinman Haus Kft. will be hosted by.

After the order is signed, we appoint a project manager for the construction project, who takes over the management of the customer relationship from the salesperson. We then carry out a data check of the order in our engineering department: we check the site and customer details, as well as other circumstances. The technical and architectural check of the outline plan is followed by a check of the quotation to ensure that all the items priced are exactly what the client expects. The order will then be accepted, thus creating a pre-contract.

Based on the information available, preliminary design, engineering and electrical design will start. During the site visit, we will carry out a preliminary needs assessment and check the availability of the land. We will discuss the process, timing and tasks of preparing for the needs assessment.

2. Planning: planning all the details, specifying requirements, contractor’s contract, e-diary

During the needs assessment, we agree with our client on all the parameters of the building. Weinman Haus is represented by the project manager at our clients. Effective coordination is supported by preparation for the needs assessment: this is important for both the client and Weinman Haus Kft. requires serious advance planning on your part. Based on the ideas formulated during the needs assessment, Weinman Haus Kft. experts prepare the final technical content of the building. The construction process is detailed according to the level of completion, with the windows, wall colours, light switches, shading, mechanical installations and every detail of the house being specified individually. At the end of the negotiation, a contract is drawn up, setting out precise prices and deadlines. We open the e-diary.

3. Preparation: production planning, construction scheduling, ordering materials

The final construction design documentation is prepared, including the parameters recorded during the needs assessment. Production planning, final export scheduling and material ordering begins.

4. Reception level: foundation

The foundation of any construction project is a well-designed and precisely executed foundation. We perform above the market average in construction, but large panel technology requires us to plan and prepare the foundations even better.

5. Manufacturing: production, delivery of elements, construction

The production of walls, slabs and roofs starts in our factory on the basis of the production plans. Once these are completed, we load the panels onto trucks according to a loading plan, and then start construction on site, starting with the reception level, as specified in the schedule. We assemble and install the walls, build the slab, lath and foil the roof structure, then the building is ready for construction. It only takes a few days.

6. Construction: outside finished level, turnkey level

According to the level of completion, the roof tiles, the tin roofing, the chimney, the installation of the windows and the external finishing of the walls (building finished from the outside) are put on the building. Then the electricity is installed, followed by the building services, the floor construction, and the painting/plastering, and then the interior doors are installed, and the building is turnkey.

7. Closure: transfer of ownership, transfer of possession

Once all the work is done, we will hand over the completed residential building to our client during the handover ceremony, finalise all the occupancy documents and then take possession of the house.